Alan Reeve 25/09/1946 – 11/09/2018
A special super hopped version of ‘The Pale Hoppy 4% One’. A good friend and long time regular at our pub ‘The Wild Boar’ this beer was originally brew with him in mind and he was roped into tasting it during it’s conception a few years ago. Alan was somewhat of the bench mark for pale hoppy beers. In fact his opinion on which of the best of the 10 real ales on the bar was held in such high regard that, if he was in having a pint when people arrived they would simply order at the bar ‘I’ll have what Alan’s drinking’. He wore his accolade with modest pride right up until the point when returning to the bar the beer had ran out because everyone else had drank it all. We hope this is a beer that he would be proud to have his name on!